In the first half of 2022, aventron produced 676 GWh of renewable electricity and generated a profit of CHF 12.4 million. The production portfolio increased to 695 megawatts (prior-year period 611 megawatts).

aventron generated net revenue from energy deliveries of CHF 77.6 (previous year 57.9) million in the first half of 2022, with EBIT of CHF 32.8 (18.6) million. With its power plants in six countries, aventron produced 676 (544) GWh of renewable energy, which is below expectations due to unfavourable wind and rain conditions. As of the balance sheet date, aventron has a portfolio of 695 (611) megawatts in Europe.

In relation to net sales, the EBITDA margin was slightly higher than in the previous year at 71.4 (68.3) percent and the EBIT margin was also 42.2 (32.1) percent. The half-year net result was CHF 12.4 (8.3) million. The half-year result is 0.23 (0.17) francs per share.

For the full year 2022, the Executive Board expects net income to be above the previous year. The currently very high electricity market prices and the commissioning of various power plants should make this possible.