The Annual General Meeting of aventron AG approves the annual report and decides on a dividend of CHF 0.26 per share, the same as last year. Due to the COVID-19 situation, all votes were taken in writing.
aventron was able to present a solid financial year to its shareholders at the 15th Annual General Meeting on 15 April. Despite distortions on the electricity market, the aventron Group as a whole achieved a positive result after taxes and minorities of CHF 12.7 (previous year 13.0) million in 2020. The shareholders, who voted in writing and represented a total of 95.7 percent of the share votes, approved the annual report and the 2020 financial statements without any dissenting votes. The general meeting followed the proposal of the Board of Directors and decided to distribute a dividend of CHF 0.26 per share (previous year CHF 0.26).
The current Board members Dr. Conrad Ammann (Chairman), Beat Huber, Priscilla Leimgruber, Martin Schaub, Michael Stalder and Nicolas Wyss were re-elected for a further term of office until 2022. Thomas Bitzi was newly elected to the Board of Directors of aventron AG.