Following a successful 2019 financial year with a 12% increase in sales, earnings per share increased disproportionately to CHF 0.30 per share. aventron is proposing a capital increase of a maximum of CHF 65 million at an issue price of CHF 10.50 per share for the attention of the AGM.
aventron's net sales increased by 12% to CHF 102.5 million (previous year CHF 91.8 million) in the 2019 financial year. The main contributors to this growth were the first full-year contribution of wind power plants from acquisitions and contributions in kind from 2018 in Germany and Spain, as well as the further expansion of the photovoltaic segment in Switzerland. aventron increased EBIT disproportionately by 15 percent to CHF 32.4 million (PY 28.2 million). The realisation of development activities, operational improvements and well-diversified production across all energy sources led to a profit of CHF 13.0 million (previous year 10.2). Earnings per share rose to CHF 0.30 per share in the 2019 financial year. This once again underscores the earnings power of aventron's business model. Even taking into account the capital increases carried out in the past, the company managed to increase earnings per share in absolute terms despite dilution effects. The portfolio comprised a consolidated total output of 545 megawatts (PY 486) at the end of 2019. The wind power segment delivers 57% of the net revenue. 28% comes from the photovoltaic segment and 15% from the hydropower segment.
Dividend proposal increased by 4%
aventron would like its shareholders to participate in the good annual result. The Board of Directors will therefore propose to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) that the dividend be increased by 4% to CHF 0.26 per share (previous year CHF 0.25). The Annual General Meeting of aventron AG will take place on 16 April 2020.
In 2019, investments of CHF 46.2 million were made in the acquisition of existing power plants and in the construction of own production facilities. Total assets amounted to CHF 743.8 million (PY CHF 748.8 million) as at the balance sheet date. At the end of 2019, the aventron Group had cash and cash equivalents of CHF 69.1 million (previous year: CHF 66.8 million). Debt service also developed positively thanks to optimisations in the financing structure.
Capital increase planned for 2020
In order to finance the targeted expansion of the diversified power plant portfolio, aventron intends to have a further capital increase with a volume of up to 6.2 million shares approved by the 2020 Annual General Meeting. This corresponds to an increase in equity by a maximum of CHF 65 million. The registered shares will be issued at CHF 10.50 per share. The newly raised funds will be used for the further expansion of the power plant portfolios. As an interim goal, the company would like to achieve a portfolio of 750 MW by 2023.